PROMPT: “Unforgettable”

I was sitting alone by the ocean this morning, watching the waves break gently on the beach. I was unwinding, letting my mind was drift, when I started thinking about the first time I saw my wife, Kathy, and how that felt. I was 39 and figured the punch-drunk, giddy sensation of falling in love was way behind me.

Suddenly I heard her voice drift into my office. She was in my retail store talking to my partner standing just outside my door. Her voice was like a magnet, alluring, intoxicating — I swear I was falling for her at that moment — before I’d even laid eyes on her.

I hurried to the door, stepped through quietly so not to disturb her conversation, and there she was — her back turned to me, silhouetted by the golden glow of the evening sun coming through the front windows of my store, illuminating the room.

I listened to her voice a bit longer, watched her tilt her hand, lift her hand to point, then she touched her hair, turned, and I caught my first glimpse of the side of her face — that was all it took, I fell hard! 21 years later, I remember vividly that afternoon — I still feel the love. That was an unforgettable moment in my life.

That put me in mind of what would be the perfect prompt for this coming week: “Unforgettable!” What a magical word, wide open to a universe of interpretation — and definitely appropriate for the time of year.

So… for the ninth Writers Island prompt, let yourself float through your memories, and find that most unforgettable moment in your life. Recount it for us in your poem, prose, short story, essay, or commentary — and post it on your blog. Feel free to include recordings of you reading your work — and any photo, artwork, or graphic representation you feel is relevant.

If you’re new to the island, the details for coming ashore can be found in the right sidebar. To our regular islanders, you know how to navigate the surf — and welcome back!

Everyone, please return here Tuesday, November 6th. At 12:01 AM, U.S. East Coast Time, a new post will be open for you to place, at your convenience, the link to the piece you’ve written — and which you have posted on your site.

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