Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Writer’s Island” prompt #9

Welcome! Here is the 9th WIJ “Writer’s Island” prompt: IF ONLY.

If only… I could see them one last time. If only… I had done things differently. If only… I could make them understand. If only… I was in charge. Tell us what it is you would do, change, say, etc. — ‘if only’. Please share whatever today’s prompt stirs within you.

Create whatever you are inspired to create, post it on your blog — then place a link to it here, in the comments section of this post.

NOTE: Below this “Writer’s Island” prompt you will find 5 additional new posts — the first being this week’s ‘Matinée Muse’ prompt. I invite you to read all the posts, and please comment — if you wish. Click on the title of any of the posts if you want to leave a comment. I also especially invite you to participate in the ‘Matinée Muse’ prompt.

Hope you enjoy these posts, and thank you for visiting today.


Filed under Creative Prompt, Uncategorized