NAPOWRIMO day #28 “Free Write”

T -2 and counting down!!!

During this month of April, which is National Poetry Writing Month (NAPOWRIMO), Writer’s Island will NOT be posting our regular weekly prompts. Our regular weekly prompts will resume Saturday, May 7th.

Instead, this is a “FREE WRITE” day, as will each day be in April. Writer’s Island is NOT suggesting a daily writing prompt during NAPOWRIMO. Please feel free to post a link here in the comments section to whatever poem or poems you may have written today.

Just as this post did today, each day of NAPOWRIMO, the “Free Write” post will open at 12:01 AM US Eastern Daylight Time. The current and the prior day’s post will remain visible on the main blog page. You can access earlier NAPOWRIMO days by selecting April in the “Past Prompts” drop down in right side bar.

Whether you are following specific daily NAPOWRIMO prompts of some sort, or just writing a poem each day (or most/some days) of NAPOWRIMO – please post a link to your poems here. At this time, I know • the NAPOWRIMO site and • Poetic Asides and • Big Tent Poetry will be offering prompts for each day. But you don’t need prompts to write a poem each day.

If you wish, please consider Writer’s Island your NAPOWRIMO 2011 ‘linking hub’. Just enter your name and email address in the comments heading, and the URL of whatever poem you’ve written for that day, in the comment box. Nothing else needs to be written in the comment box if you don’t want to.

As always, if you are a first time participant, your first entry will be moderated – after your first time, there will be no more moderating. April is NAPOWRIMO – so poem away and enter your links here. Have fun…!!! 🙂


Filed under NAPOWRIMO 2011

49 responses to “NAPOWRIMO day #28 “Free Write”

  1. There are two poems here, the first for the least favourite words prompt and the second for the Bigtent Wheels Come Off prompt.

    Got and Get for Napo 27

  2. I can’t even think of prompts, I’m just trying to finish. 🙂

    Why I am so blue

    • Mary, I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but it absolutely refused to allow me to even enter the comments section. I really like your poem, and it touches base with each and everyone of us. In the middle of the night, we all face those things. Great word usage and really like the comparison between possibilities and probabilities.


    • Mary, I have the same problem as 1sojournal. I believe Blogger has some issue today.
      Anyway, here is what I meant to say:

      It’s beautiful and so sadly true!

    • I am a WordPresser who could not comment either. But Mary, this really brought a tear to my eye. I often wake up in the middle of the night and, in that moment of disorientation, the dream haunts me.

      Pleasant dreams tonight, my friend.

    • I’m echoing the others…couldn’t leave a comment on your blog today…but wanted to tell you that you captured it well, Mary! Unfortunately I’ve had too many of these nights lately, and can relate all too well!


  3. Well, I made it again. Recently I don’t have enough time, so I miss a lot of great poems by fellow-poets here, for which I am truly sorry.
    Here is my today’s piece:

  4. To everyone using Blogger:

    I’m sorry, I can’t comment on your blogs again today. Codes like these keep coming up when I try:

    Does anyone know what the problem is?

  5. Viv: Okay, but I hope you know I’m embarrassed to air my views in public. 🙂

    Pamela: Wonderful imagery.

    Mary: You describe a moment that touches us all.

  6. Andy: Another one that we can all relate to.

  7. What better than a natural spring for inspiration?

  8. For today’s prompt at Poetic Asides: “The world without ____”

  9. Here’s my attempt…I might be back with another. I was writing to Poetic Asides prompt for Day 28: write a poem about “a world without something else” (vs the Day 3 prompt of “a world without you”)

    A World Without You

    I’ll be back to read…after I consider a second poem or not…
    ~ Paula

  10. OK…went with my other idea…here’s attempt #2 for the Poetic Asides prompt…

    Floating Thoughts (a shadorma)

    (my first shadorma!)



  12. This is quite unlike me…thought that I would be fizzling out by day 28, but here I am…with a third attempt for today’s Poetic Asides prompt…

    Without Hope (a fibonacci)

  13. So my friend Douglas calls me a “fruit fly,” which is an endearing term for a straight girl who hangs out with gay men. I mean, lesbians and everyone else, too, and straights, but this poem is for my guys!!

    PFLAGedly yours, Amy

  14. Somehow, I couldn’t resist one last post for Day 28…combining the same “world without____” prompt with the Theme Thursday prompt (sleep).

    Insomnia (a shadorma)

    And…on that note…I’m going to try to get some sleep!

    See you all tomorrow for Day 29!

  15. Took up the challenge to write a poem using my least favorite words. This covers quite a few, starting with the title. Amy

  16. Ran out of time for posting this here yesterday, but I tackled the prompt:

  17. It has been an amazing journey. I have written things that surprised me, and have read so many wonderful writes. This has been wonderful!

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