Week #24 prompt: Incomparable

Welcome to Writer’s Island.

ANNOUNCEMENT: It has been such a pleasure offering writing prompts since 2007. I’ve ‘met’ some wonderful Islanders in that time, and had the joy to read some great work. But I have been struggling with health lately, and that has introduced some additional challenges into my life. I love to write, and given my current circumstances, I am not able to give my best to my writing, and to Writer’s Island — so it is with heavy heart indeed that I must close the Island, at least for now. The final Writer’s Island prompt of the foreseeable future will publish on Saturday, June 25th, 2011.

I truly hope what I am saying is “until later”, and not farewell — but only time will tell. Please know my wishes are, for each of you, that you always have fair skies, calm seas, and a gentle breeze at your back. Now, please consider this week’s prompt in depth, and as in the past, let inspiration carry you.

When you feel what you’ve written is ready to be read by the other Islanders, just post your link right here in the comments section at the bottom of this post. Please leave whatever expanded comment you wish as a part of your posted link. You can also reply directly to any other comment.

••>The Week #24 prompt for 2011 is “INCOMPARABLE”.

Think of the many meanings of this word, for example: • beyond compare, • inimitable, • unmatched, • nonpareil, • peerless, • unequaled, • unparalleled, • unrivaled, • unsurpassed — these to name a few.

Whether you use the actual word in your piece, or not — meditate on incomparable, then let it spark your muse… or choose to go in your own direction with your piece this week. Just let yourself go with whatever it is that moves you to write.

Relax, respond to the prompt when you’re ready — or just leave a comment to say hi! As always, welcome to the the Island!!! 😉


Filed under Announcement, Creative Prompt

33 responses to “Week #24 prompt: Incomparable

  1. I will write a response to the prompt…but wanted to start by saying that, as a recent arrive to the island, my experience has been incomparable!! I will look forward to the beaches being opened once again…


  2. *arrival (not “arrive”)…

  3. It is with deep regret that I read your announcement for the week… I understand the need to set new priorities and to claim a level that must be met when writing. However, you shall be GREATLY MISSED. I have only been a visitor of the Island for a short time also, but have found it to be truly inspirational. Will definitely keep a watch for a return if it shall be ‘until later’…

    Here is my link for this weeks prompt: http://reflections-dreams.blogspot.com/2011/06/incomparable-moments.html

    Until then, hoping things improve with your health issues. Thank you for the time I was able to share here.

  4. I wish you the best! I found you recently – this looks like a wonderful site!

  5. Best wishes for the future. Here’s my effort for this week:

  6. b_y

    Sometimes, you just need to rest.
    Take care. Get better. See you ’round.

  7. Irene

    A haitus hopefully Rob. Take care.

    life is incomparable

  8. I hope the rest will help, Rob. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Take care of yourself.


  9. Dear Rob,

    I will write a piece later, but please know you are in my prayers. If it’s burnout, personal turmoil – whatever the reason, take time to refresh and know that you are appreciated and LOVED for all your hard work. You have helped us all become better poets and expand our community by clicking each others’ links.

    Peace be with you, and just breeeeeeathe, Amy

  10. I am back with a rough draft, which I will work on sometime in the future.
    But for now here it is:

    A Rand in the Hand


  11. So sorry to hear about your illness! Here’s hoping you have a rapid recovery and find yourself with enough time for both your writing and your prompts.

    Take care of yourself!

    Mad Kane

  12. I haven’t been able to focus much on my writing myself recently but for work rather than health reasons. Just wanted to say thank you for your work on the island and wishing you well for the future. May you get better soon. Love, Dani x

  13. Sending good thoughts your way! I hope everything works out for the best. We’ll all welcome you back when/if you return 🙂

    Gasp! Another two-fer!

  14. So sad. But first things first. I hope it’s nothing very serious and that you will feel better soon. Thank you for inspiring me.

    Here’s my piece.

  15. So sad to read the announcement. I do hope it is until later. I wish you a speedy recovery as you take the necessary time off. Blessings!

  16. Sad, but I understand. I have not long been a visitor to the island, but I shall miss it, perhaps more than I know just now. I wish you all the best for the future. Every blessing to you and yours. Sincerely hoping to see you again before too long.

  17. Makes that old saying true, something about the value of health. I love writer’s island. I will miss you. And hope you return soon.

  18. Poetry prompt sites
    inspire, amuse, bring friends–

    We’ll miss you!

  19. Let me add my voice to the others in thanking you for all your work on the Island and offering hopes of an uncomplicated recovery.
    Here is my offering for this final prompt, a look at our incomparable future with God: Bright at Last

  20. Love the Island….Love the words…Love poets Rob……take it slow and easy and focus on the QUIET…..take care…..talk to ya soon

  21. Hi Rob,
    I don’t know that I actually recall when you started this site, but I think I do. It’s gotten pretty big. I definetly understand we all need breaks for one thing or another. I hope you will come back. I did just write something that fit with your prompt so I am linking it. Try not to quit writing. It’s ever-so-difficult to come back to it.


  22. Had to respond with a pun. Thanks, Rob, for your dedication. We’re with you to the end… and whatever new beginning you have in store! Peace, Amy

  23. Hot on the heels of the demise of the Big Tent comes the end of Writers Island. The first two prompt sites, and the best, that I have known, that dug me out of sloth and lack of inspiration.

    Rob Kistner, I salute you – you have given us inspirational prompts and a place to communicate with other poets, all wrapped in the cosy surroundings of a special island. Your health problems have made life difficult for you, and I understand completely your reasons for giving up. May time to rest prove beneficial and bring you back to form.. Your lovely poetry is a joy to read and a debt of gratitude is owed to you by all of us Islanders.

    My poem is here: http://vivinfrance.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/incomparable/

  24. writersisland

    To everyone offering their kind words, please know that they are deeply felt and much appreciated by this fellow traveler on the sea of life — thank you all for your concern and well wishes. You all, as well as the many who have walked the shores of this Island, have truly enriched my life. You have brought your thoughts and inspiration from many fascinating places in this wide world, and it has been a marvelous experience to have been touched by each of you.

    I seek to enjoy this time that is upon me with those I love. That dictates I invest better in my current health and well being, and so I must. I intend to continue to write, in this I have no choice — it is my nature. One promise I made myself that I have not yet fulfilled was to see my work, past and ongoing, collected and published — not for glory, but to leave a record that I was here. It is to this end that I will focus the time I have been investing in Writer’s Island. Would that I had in my hands the time to do both, and the energy to see them each done well — but alas, I do not.

    You will not be forgotten, and I will find time to post select pieces of my continuing work on my Image & Verse site, as I have always done. I will link my new works from time to time, as I am able, on the sites you see featured in the sidebars here on the Island. I hope you will visit me when you can, as I will you. Writer’s Island was one of my active passions, and it is my hope that it will again be able to be such in the future.

    Keep your hearts and spirits fluid and flowing and may the current of life course freely through you, to carry you in love, to your dreams.

  25. Best wishes for better health & fulfilled dreams.

  26. Rob, thank you for Writer’s Island. I have dipped my feet in the water and felt the sun on my face because of you. Thank you. Please take care of yourself. I wish you health and happiness.

    Here is my take on Incomparable

  27. Best wishes for the recovery Rob, thank you for the inspirationl topics…
    Take care

  28. After a crazy few days not allowing me time to write…here’s my effort:

    In His Grip


  29. I shall, as many others, miss my sojourns to the island. It is always a special trip. I wish you well and hope you find both your health and the energy needed for your writing.

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