Prompt & Link: “Impulse”

9:00 AM Friday morning, May 16th 2008, on the U.S. West Coast, is quickly approaching — so… here I am with a new Prompt! This week’s, and the thirty-fifth Writer’s Island prompt is: “Impulse”.

That word triggers some powerful and spontaneous images for me. Does “Impulse” suddenly ignite your creative urge — your creative fire? Share with us what you’re compelled to compose.

This week we turn to the mythical new movie, Prince Caspian, as the source
of two Matinee Muse prompts — our thirteenth & fourteenth.
The first: “Betrayal”.
What conspiratorial, dark, and dangerous tale does this conjure forth
from the shadowy depths of your imagination?
Or perhaps it takes you to a sad and painful place.

The second: “Liberation”.
What soaring, heroic tale of daring does this stir in your soul?
Maybe it sparks something personal and intimate.

The Matinee Muse prompts are now a regular weekly offering, so please enjoy!
Remember — this, and every week, click the poster to learn about the movie.

Feel free to use any one, or all, of this week’s prompts — or use your own, if you so choose. Whatever moves your soul this week is what we all want to read.

So, create your poem, prose, short story, essay, commentary, or whatever — and post it on your blog. Feel free to include recordings of you reading your work — and any photo, artwork, or graphic representation you feel is relevant.

When you have finished your piece, please return here to this post and place your link to your work as a comment — and as you know, just the link, not the piece.

Please realize there is no need to rush, this post will be open to receive your links for the entire week, leading up to the next prompt.

May your muse, this week and every week, drive you to write your very best — write from your heart! We can’t wait to see what you have for us…


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75 responses to “Prompt & Link: “Impulse”

  1. My take on combining all the prompts together(had a lot of fun with them 🙂

    It’s summer again

    And I also had an old one for betrayal:


  2. Cambodia had lots to offer. Here’s the slide show of the photos and some historical events. It’s liberation of sort.

  3. A masseuse and how she made me feel special in Thailand. Impulse on massage.

  4. Alas, the betrayal of something that tastes so good….The Sweet Taste of Addiction

  5. Here is my response to impulse. My new digital camera just had to be involved. I’m still experimenting!

    Blue Light of Impulse


  6. I have attempted all three (impulse/betrayal/liberation) together in my poem “Liberation”.

    Enjoy your weekend 🙂

  7. I’ll post this one under the banner of liberation, though it may be a little stretch, and actually be liberation’s opposite. I posted it yesterday after a prompt from Selma to post something for Human Rights Day on May 15.


    (Rated PG for graphic descriptions.)

  8. This is off-prompt. But, in honor of Prince Caspian and C. S. Lewis fans:

    Dear Digory

  9. I used the prompt “impulse” to document a close scare with a forest fire.


  10. Thanks for the inspiration. Here’s my Threefer Haiku.

  11. I am not sure why my previous comment takes one to my blog that has my pictures !
    But the link to my poem “Liberation” that uses all three prompts of impulse/betrayal/liberation is here :

  12. Hello Islanders!

    Impulse and Betrayal in my Love Stories (Well, Almost)

    These are parts I and II of my “Almost” love stoties. More to come.

    I wish you well.

    ~ Jeques

  13. I combined Sunday Scribblings and Writer’s Island. Don’t ask me why those two prompts resulted in this.

    Impulse to soar

  14. pri

    here is yet another one from me—
    this time have combined two prompts in one…


  15. Vic

    My innervision in verse.


  16. ren

    This is a stinging bouquet of liberating poets.

    Poems of liberation

  17. CF

    Surrealistic impulses:


  18. ratanaong

    Happy Vesak Day!
    Here’s my contribution.
    Titled: “Runaway Car”

    WI – Impulse

  19. You’ll find my take on Liberation here:

    How To Liberate Play


  20. In its way this is the essence of liberation.

  21. As for Impulse…

    Go here and pick a link at the bottom of the page. Everything Trevor does is impulsive. Be impulsive, yourself! Pick more than one!

  22. sorry, i’ve been kind of mia on my poetry site, lots of work to do and we are selling our house. but these words were great.

    i’d like to take my fellow islanders on a fun ride! 🙂

  24. my comments are taking I guess? 😦

  25. Hi Rob – I opted for the Matinee Muse prompt of Betrayal (I love these movie-inspired prompts!)

    Thanks for the ongoing inspiration!

    JanePoet on Betrayal

  26. Not exactly on topic but I did manage to use the word impulse

  27. a poem by Stephanie Rimmington on being liberated and rooted

  28. san

    im exhausted. prompts from three different sources. hope you like it.

    ill come back in the morning and read all the other posts. 🙂

  29. it’s been a while since I write anything for writers island or much of anything

    here’s something

  30. Hello Again!

    Here’s the sequel of my article I posted earlier. This time for the 2nd matinee muse: “Liberation”, the word that resonate to my Love Stories (Well, Almost)-2

    I wish you well.

    ~ Jeques

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